How do I cancel my Keyhook subscription?

Find out how to cancel your Keyhook subscription.

Written by AaronLast update 1 year ago

There are zero commitments when using Keyhook and you can cancel your membership at any time. 

To cancel, you'll need to log into Keyhook on your computer. You can do so here

Once logged in, click on your avatar found at the top right-hand corner of your screen. If you haven't uploaded a picture to Keyhook, your avatar will display your initials. 

In the dropdown menu that appears when you click your avatar, you'll see a 'Subscription' option. This will take you to your subscription page and from there you'll have the ability to cancel your subscription. 

Find out what happens to your information once you cancel your subscription here.

You may incur penalties if a certain usage period was agreed to before sign-up as part of a promotional package. 

We'd be sorry to see you go! But we're always here if you'd like to find out how Keyhook can better help you, or make any suggestions that would improve your experience.

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