What is a head tenant?
Learn more about the head tenant system in Keyhook.
There are certain actions that may only need one tenant to sign off on, or are usually discussed in person and then finalised in paperwork. Because of this, Keyhook has a "head tenant" system.
When starting a tenancy that includes more than one tenant, you will be prompted to choose a head tenant. (Ideally this should be discussed with your tenants before the tenancy is started).
The head tenant is responsible for these situations in Keyhook:
Setting what portion of the total rent each individual tenant pays. (Tenants may split the rent unevenly based off their room size or other factors, Keyhook leaves it up to the tenants to decide this split and not the landlord.)
Signing off on inspections.
Accepting or rejecting your decision when it comes time to renew or end a tenancy.
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